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What are You waiting On!

Some people have this belief that when you want to

change it happens at the beginning of the new year, or I am going to start this weight loss journey on Monday. To break a negative habit that you do not want does not require an appointment. The minute you feel that desire to change....Move on it! There are so many signs and moments that God or the universe will show you and guide you through. If you want the help to give you that support or extra push to achieve what you want in life contact me, I am more than welcome to help. But the first move starts with YOU!

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit but about 60 days to fully be out of your system and subconscious. So, the real thing for you to think about is what is the program in your mind that is keeping you from asking your boss for a raise? What is the program that is keeping you to stay in that unhealthy relationship? What is that program that is keeping you overeat when you have no signs of hunger?

Make the move for yourself, YES PUT YOU FIRST! When you put yourself first, everything else will follow. Write down below what do you want to deprogram out of your life? What negative habit do you want to bring to an end?

Its time to let go.

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